Losing rough drafts…

Well, I learned something tonight. I learned that WordPress won’t save my blog post drafts for even a day. Less than 24 hours ago, I dictated part of a post, focused on how I’m feeling now and what I want for my future, and I’d intended to finish it tonight. Earlier, when I finished the draft about tonight’s ESL class and published it, the other draft was still there. Now it is not. Grrr.

It’s not as if it was great literature or anything, but I was in a peculiar mood in the wee hours of the morning at work, and I wrote things that aren’t going to occur to me now in quite the same way. I’m not currently doubled over in pain due to abdominal cramps (thank goodness, now it’s down to a very dull roar), hating my third shift healthcare job because I can’t ever call in sick without finding someone else to pick up my shift (which is never likely at the last minute). I don’t know what it’s like to just be able to call in sick whenever I’m unwell, because I have to be just about half dead to justify calling my manager in to work, and it’s only happened a few times in the last decade and a half.

Anyway, I’m okay tonight. That doesn’t mean I suddenly love my job – there’s a reason I went back to school. I’m just, I dunno, I was kind of brutally poetic about it while I was in pain. Tonight I’m just…blah.

I have a little over 20 minutes until I have to do my first round. I suppose I should do some homework. Or maybe I’ll just let my mind go blank until it’s time to move…

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